Magnetic Field Simulator

///Magnetic Field Simulator

In order to test the identification of magnetic two poles of the production magnet torquers and also their interaction with magnetic field there was a need for satellite orbit, so that by the use of two dimensional Helmholtz rings, the magnetic field of the orbit could be simulated in a coordinate system attached to the orbit’s page in two dimensions For this aim, the simulator system of satellite orbit magnetic environment called “KOSAR 100” was built in Space Research Laboratory and it could simulate magnetic field in a wider confine more carefully.

This simulator is used to simulate a magnetic field; by which the usage of the magnetic field in the control subsystem of the satellite situation, as well as the nature of Earth’s magnetic field is explained for the students .

In this experiment, a maquette of a space satellite is located within the simulator’s magnetic field space to be influenced by the simulated field so that the students can observe how the satellite operate in the real conditions of space, then the necessary concepts are explained by the teachers and transferred to the students.

“KOSAR 100” is made up of several different parts including power source ,Helmholtz rings, suspension stand, VPM (Vision Processing Measurement) image measurement, and user software. Suspension stand is designed and applied in order to make appropriate suspension in the air and also to make necessary freedom applied in order to provide necessary power for different parts of “KOSAR 100”.The job of Helmholtz rings is making the two dimensional magnetic field in a way that at a specific confine of the space the magnetic field of the earth is spoiled and the new field can be made according to needed dimensions. And finally the image measurement unit measures the rotation made by the element which is being tested and then gives it to the user software as input.

  • Doing acceptance tests and verifying qualifications of satellite elements which interact with magnetic field.

  • Doing acceptance tests and verifying qualifications of satellite elements which interact with magnetic field.

  • Guiding charged heavy particles and stubbing them to solar arrays

  • Identifying the magnetism level of satellite’s body

  • Identifying and affirming magnetic dipole moment of the magnet torquer directly

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Contact Info

Space Research Laboratory, Aerospace Engineering Faculty, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Daneshgah Blvd., Ehsan Exit, East Zeynoddin Highway, Tehran, Iran

Phone: +98 21 77334133

Fax: +98 21 73064234

Web: Spacerl

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