
To enhance the quality of the trainings; the SRL has applied a set of its facilitiesas follows

School Vacuum Simulator

This simulator is composed of a vacuum chamber, a motor suckers and some valves. Five different experiment recipes have been developed for this device; using such experiments, the concepts of vacuum and the quality of its effect on the physical phenomena may be taught to students. The lack of pressure and a material environment, the quality of sound and light transfer in vacuum, and transfer of electric current in vacuum are of such cases .

Weightlessness Simulator

This simulator is composed of a launching pad, imaging rack, and electromagnets. Using this simulator and its four designed experiments, the concept of the weightlessness conditions are simulated for the students.

 Magnetic Field Simulator

This simulator is used to simulate a magnetic field; by which the usage of the magnetic field in the control subsystem of the satellite situation, as well as the nature of Earth’s magnetic field is explained for the students .

In this experiment, a maquette of a space satellite is located within the simulator’s magnetic field space to be influenced by the simulated field so that the students can observe how the satellite operate in the real conditions of space, then the necessary concepts are explained by the teachers and transferred to the students.

scientific abilities

. The use of scientific abilities of graduates and students in the field of aerospace

Employing the knowledge of its scientific staff

the Laboratory transfers the basic concepts in the field of satellite, the space carrier and the space environment to the students. For this purpose, the SRL also employs all its facilities including a maquette of satellite, a maquette of lunch vehicle motor and a 3-D movie play system.

practical experiments

The use of practical experiments and training aids

SRL benefits from training aids

SRL benefits from training aids aiming at the better transfer of the aerospace concepts to the students. Observing the procedures of the experiment closely and even by reviewing the experiment’s recorded film; the students may communicate with the process of the experiment and obtain the necessary knowledge. A part of designed and built training aid devices in laboratory of space research are: 1) School Vacuum Simulator: This simulator is composed of a vacuum chamber, a motor suckers and some valves. Five different experiment recipes have been developed for this device; using such experiments, the concepts of vacuum and the quality of its effect on the physical phenomena may be taught to students. The lack of pressure and a material environment, the quality of sound and light transfer in vacuum, and transfer of electric current in vacuum are of such cases .


Contact Info

Space Research Laboratory, Aerospace Engineering Faculty, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Daneshgah Blvd., Ehsan Exit, East Zeynoddin Highway, Tehran, Iran

Phone: +98 21 77334133

Fax: +98 21 73064234

Web: Spacerl

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