The second activity of joint science outreach project between SRL and Mahani Observatory

//The second activity of joint science outreach project between SRL and Mahani Observatory

The second activity of joint science outreach project between Space Research Labratory and Mahani Observatory is launched in from of student summer activity in Astronomy classes of summer shcool in Shahid Mahdavi educational complex in July 2020.
Respect to this project, students exposed to construction manual of a simple telescope, to enhance their day and night observational experiences. at the end of summer, the results will be assesssed in order to release certificate of participation, also best ones will recieve special rewards.


Contact Info

Space Research Laboratory, Aerospace Engineering Faculty, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Daneshgah Blvd., Ehsan Exit, East Zeynoddin Highway, Tehran, Iran

Phone: +98 21 77334133

Fax: +98 21 73064234

Web: Spacerl

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