Transmission subsystems are one of the major and very important parts in space systems. Transmission department in space Laboratory is established with the aim of conducting research and doing applicable projects along with developing transmission subsystems of space industry in the country and also holding professional educational courses in space systems. Major areas of activities done in this department can be summarized as the following items: designing, simulating, making and controlling systems and transmission subsystems including linking connections from earth to space, detection systems, location finding systems, guiding and navigating flying objects, transmission shipment, distance evaluation, and safety of space communications, codifiers and compactors. Among the achievements that the researchers of this department have had and among their successes in using the latest techniques in the area of field transmission, system transmission and electronics, the following items can be mentioned: designing and simulating TT&C transmission link of the GEO satellite, designing and establishing earth stations for receiving LEO satellites along with developing local software of the control station and the design for radio detection systems of aerospace objects. Due to the capabilities made in this department, designing and implementing applicable research projects in the field of space transmission such as analyzing space missions with a transmission focus, the sending and receiving of bus information and the load of satellite payload is now made possible in the space research Laboratory.