Title: CubeSat Constellation Simulation For IoT Services
By Mehran Pishahang
Supervisor: Dr. Mehran Mirshams & Dr. Olga Saltykova Aleksandrovna
Chairmen: Dr.
June 20, 2024
The main purpose is providing IoT service for users to connect any devices and objects to some sensors and actuators to make them smart by Internet or frequencies, allowing them to collect and share information, and to be remotely monitored and controlled. With this service companies can provide some useful services like 1. Connected Roadways 2. Connected Factory 3. Smart Connected Buildings 4. Smart Creatures.
In the other word, the task should be simulating and modeling of a set of satellites named CubeSat constellation to help companies, firms, business, industries to providing a set of applications in manufacturing, oil and gas, utilities, smart and connected cities, transportation, mining, public safety by IoT services.
•CubeSat is a cubic small satellite with 10cm width, height, length as a one unit
•CubeSat constellation is a set of CubeSats that constellation includes 2 or more CubeSats working with each other around the Earth.
•Simulation is an imitative representation of a process or system that could exist in the real world in the other word, a process to modeling a digital presentation
•IoT is Internet of Things it means that connect to unconnected things to make an object or a device smart.
It is included 6 chapters in 3 sections, Conclusion and Appendices. The basic of work is designing orbits according to the main mission then designing CubeSat constellation due to the boundary and primary conditions.