Progress Review Meeting on APSCO Student Small Satellite (SSS) Project 17-19 November, 2020 Teleconference

//Progress Review Meeting on APSCO Student Small Satellite (SSS) Project 17-19 November, 2020 Teleconference

The Progress Review Meeting on APSCO Student Small Satellite (SSS) Project was organized on 17-19 November, 2020, through a Teleconference. The Project Management Board (PMB), experts and officials from all Member States, project management team from APSCO Secretariat and project leading Universities and institutions participated in the meeting .

The aim of the meeting was, review of progress of the SSS project implantation and the work done by the satellite/subsystem teams as well as the subsequent works and its plan. Dr. Mehran Mirshams, SRL Director, gave a presentation on the progress of ADCS subsystem.
SSS-1 ADCS Flight Model(FM) latest status and future development steps were agreed by SRL and Beihang teams.


Contact Info

Space Research Laboratory, Aerospace Engineering Faculty, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Daneshgah Blvd., Ehsan Exit, East Zeynoddin Highway, Tehran, Iran

Phone: +98 21 77334133

Fax: +98 21 73064234

Web: Spacerl

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