Micro ADCS Simulator

///Micro ADCS Simulator

“Micro ADCS simulator” is a simulator for knowing, developing and testing the performance of the satellites attitude determination and control subsystem, (ADCS). This simulator has been developed as hands-on training setup for students and researchers who are going to work in space technology field. “Micro ADCS simulator” were explored to establish 1-axis attitude control.
This simulator can be used by research and educational centers and labs for providing wide range of hands-on training and searching activities.

“Micro ADCS simulator” show how satellites rotate by control actuators and also show the evolution of satellite’s attitude determination and control methods in space.
This simulator has been successfully used in several research and educational activities and show its impact on trainees and students learning quality.

“Micro ADCS simulator” major components are shown as follows:

1. Cube Mock-up

Cube Mock-up is used as ADCS model of the satellite with one axis control.

2. Air-bearing and Balancing Platform

The air bearing provides near-frictionless environment with 360-degree rotation about one axis (yaw rotation). The air bearing consists of 2 main parts:
1.Platform with balancing mechanism
2.The hemispherical bearing with its support

3. User Software

User software is the Simulink model. User panel on notebook communicates with “Cube mock-up” by Wireless module, connected to notebook.
The cube mock-up could target to desirable position and will switch to set point with high accuracy.

4. Educational Package

Educational package specially has been designed and developed to train students with no related skills or educational background through step by step conductive learning process.
This package consist of 6 courses including the following titles:

  1. ADCS Micro-Simulator introduction
  2. Introduction to Arduino
  3. Motor & Driver Implementation
  4. Sensor & Communication Module
  5. Micro ADCS Simulator Assembly
  6. Assignment and Report.


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Contact Info

Space Research Laboratory, Aerospace Engineering Faculty, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Daneshgah Blvd., Ehsan Exit, East Zeynoddin Highway, Tehran, Iran

Phone: +98 21 77334133

Fax: +98 21 73064234

Web: Spacerl

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